A small biography
Vital Statistics
Age:3 years
Weight:9.5 lbs
Pictured above is my kitty, Hoodini. He came into my life in the summer of 2007. I was visiting my parents house and while conversing in the garage with my dad I noticed a tiny black and white creature staring at me. I turned to it and said "Hey, kitty kitty!" which sent the creature scurrying for the bushes.
A short while later, the skittish kitten ventured into the driveway again. I asked my dad how long the kitten had been hanging around. He told me that three months prior a cat had a litter of kittens under thier shed and that he had been trying to catch them so they could be adopted into loving homes. The kittens were in a dangerous situation in my parents neighborhood. They lived near a field inhabited by a pack of coyotes and the neighborhood children tended to be mean to outdoor cats. My parents also had a dog that was very unsympathetic to cats in his yard.
Being a cat person, I decided I would try and help capture at least one kitten. I asked my husband to try and help corral our black and white observer. As we approached from both sides, the kitten had a bright idea and thought it wise to hide up inside the engine block of my dads Jeep. Unfortunately this got the poor kitty hoplessly stuck. We worked for over an hour trying to extract him from his sad situation. Eventually we managed to extract him and place him in a pet carrier. The kitty was frightened and the animal shelter was closed so I volunteered to take the kitty back to my house until I could call the shelter.
Fostering Fail
Of course I never called the shelter. When I got home, I pulled the kitten out of the carrier and comforted him. The long ride home and the events leading to his capture had him quite scared.
First Picture
After holding him for a while, I realized that I was quickly getting attached. My husband, who said after we got our second cat "NO MORE!" was getting attached to the little guy too. As days passed, we noticed that he got along with our other two cats as well. We named our new little furball Hoodini (intentional mispelling) because of his abilty to escape our sight by hiding in the wierdest of places. The name also lends itself to a whole host of interesting nicknames.
Hoodini's favorite Websites
Pet of The Day
A website dedicated to pets.
Each day a new cat, dog and pet is featured. The site also has a forum where users can get advice
about all things pet!
Remus' Catster Page
Caster is a site all about cats. Besides information about cats, users can make individual
pages about their kitty friends. This page belongs to Remus, Hoodini's adopted fur brother
and best friend
about all things pet!
Remus' Catster Page
Caster is a site all about cats. Besides information about cats, users can make individual
pages about their kitty friends. This page belongs to Remus, Hoodini's adopted fur brother
and best friend
Page created by: Kristina Hanson
Last modified: November 23, 2010