I've been seeing posts about today being world mental health day. This is an important topic, especially in the middle of everything going on worldwide. People are experiencing, sometimes for the first time, mental health problems. Mental health isn't something that should be hidden behind closed doors. It isn't something that people should be speaking of in hushed tones. It isn't something to be mocked or a subject of pity. It is something that affects your friends, your family, your fellow human beings. The stigma has to end.
It is also infant/child loss awareness month. This is most assuredly tied into mental health. Not everyone processes grief the same way and people need to quit shaming others for how they deal with losing a child. There is absolutely no loss in the world that feels the way losing a child does. If you don't understand, feel fortunate that you don't. Don't mock, reticule, blame or otherwise harsh on anyone's trauma response.
It is really hard to see the humanity in humans right now. It is a time in history where so many things just seem evil, uncaring, devoid of compassion and empathy. I implore you to not let the weight of the world crush the beautiful soul within. It's fucking hard. I struggle with this myself. We need all the light we can muster in these times.
I love you. You are not alone. You matter and you are a valid, precious, sacred human life. <3
Shine bright!