Saturday, December 19, 2020


One thing I'm starting to realize
Is how much I crave contact
And how much I wish
It didn't have to exist
Within the confines of entanglement
A sexual being I'm not
Even though it has been insisted
That I'm just denying biology
The drive for sexual satisfaction
Inherent to animals with desires of procreation
I don't see the appeal
I don't feel the urge
I live for the moment after
That comfortable exhaustion
The emotional vulnerability
The absolute perfection of just existence
Wrapped up in another human soul
It is a fun distraction
But I'd rather cry with you
Confide in you
Explore your thoughts and emotional state
Become one with your spirit simply through gentile touch
Not some chemical release
We're taught to consummate relationships
As if we're declining in population
Even if we were going extinct
Where would the joy be in just living to breed
There's so much more depth to consciousness
An intangible glow of purity in thought
A whole universe to explore
But I am silent in this
I cannot judge the motivation
I cannot be sure my perception is better or worse
I exist the same as everyone
Another mind in the middle of the cosmic soup
Asking myself if I'm broken