Thursday, February 11, 2021


There's an exhaustion on my back
that pain in between my shoulders
a headache blurring my vision
and a dull ache in my heart
The loss of another soul in the news
and someone else a victim of violence 
lives taken away by the street 
I'm painfully aware of things 
I'm not sure if there's a darker cloud 
or if I'm just feeling more reality 
There's also this golden beauty 
an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude 
the outpouring of support 
shining through the shattered glass
I ache through every single fiber of my soul 
it helps to know I'm not alone 
but I cry for every human 
that hurts as bad as I do 
I put my hope in solidarity 
and the good intentions of friendship 
maybe we'll make it through 
one day at a time 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Dreamless Whisper

There was a time where
I had these broken dreams
of the lingering memories of Eden
Personal heaven and boundless joy
feelings of the intimacy between 
the great mother and her imperfect creation 
I can almost grasp the ecstacy 
almost percieve the formless emotions 
becoming the emptiness of being unborn 
and then I'm suddenly awake
aware of the imperceptible darkness 
crushing my chest and grasping 
my brain in an icy vice 
Sleeping becomes a refuge 
even though the veil is transitory 
an illusion conceived as a mechanism of defense 
I'll dream about suicide 
and while in the middle of terror 
my heart pounds mournfully 
sweat on my brow 
while I silently and simultaneously wish
the nightmare was real

Last Rites

One of the first things I remember
is the voice of a gentle man 
a holy man both in word and deed
Even as a newly emergent life
I could feel his connection to God
he was there to guide me
back to the creator energy from where I came
but the universe had other plans
I've stood in that place 
several times since 
even though I could just slip away 
the overpowering whim of self preservation 
takes control and subconsciously 
I fight for every single breath 
while I'll live every moment as if it's my last 
pretending that every meal is the last
every conversation lingering 
meaningful because it could be the last
I fantasize about killing myself 
taking agency over a thing 
that I don't really control 
because deep down I know 
when it ends there won't be preamble 
some grandiose event or even a warning 
I'll just stop
flicker out like a candle 
Maybe I obsess because lately 
it seems like I'm constantly touched 
by some sort of loss
painfully aware of the fragility of it all
Maybe I'm just tired 
of seeing my own death in my dreams 
Maybe it's just noise 


Ninety days ago I made a decision
to quit dulling my senses
to stop with the alcohol 
and open myself up to things 
that I've been avoiding most of my life 
There's definitely a better sense of purpose 
a clarity of emotional energy
not necessarily a better picture 
but at least I see the picture now 
More of a physical feeling 
my entire body vibrating with the sound 
of the throbbing pulse of reality 
People existing and broadcasting 
I'm absorbing it all
and it is a beautiful thing 
to be able to observe and interpret 
so many different layers and nuance 
At the same time 
I'm drowning in this nebula 
too many things are hitting all at once 
I'm processing like a road flare 
and I'm going to burn out
sooner rather than later 
The floodgates remain fully open 
I pour this confusion into things 
items for consumption bit by bit
the audience sees the finale 
but not the entire production 
I don't trust anyone with the process 
but I hope what I put out there is enough 
when the light fades away 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Faded Exhausted

A joint burns lazily
I'm typing something or 
Playing music or
I'm taking a picture or video 
fully engaged with telling some sort of story
I'm always somewhere doing something 
even asleep I am caught in the middle 
Lately things have been more nebulous 
pulling the meaning from the images 
is harder and paradoxically easier 
When I'm awake I feel as if I'm asleep 
sleeping feels like running through wet cement uphill 
Exhaustion on my back and pulling my feet 
I'm drowning in myself
and this obsession to keep up the projection 
It's easy to stay unharmed 
If all I put out there is a hologram 
myself interpreted into being 
Deep inside there's this block of ice
pain I can describe 
but I never really let go
I wonder if I'll ever know new reality 
or if I'll keep up this spinning tale
until I breathe no more 
and people struggle with identification 
speaking for me
even though my entire being
is wrapped up in speaking for myself 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Frosted grass shines brightly
in the icy sunlight of a partly cloudy day 
I combine people watching with 
my mundane errands
Observing the continued lunacy 
of humans bouncing off of each other 
The great Goddess of nature 
abundant with life and beauty 
even in the coldest of times 
Contrasting with too many souls 
caught in a situation 
or most likely, a series of situations
thier tents a multicolored backdrop 
against pillars of concrete 
Some seem almost jovial 
drinking beer and smoking weed
celebrating the fact that it isn't raining 
right now 
Others are clearly suffering 
experiencing the worst times of their lives 
A cacophony of emotional noise 
songs in the confusion 
confusion in the clarity 
the only thing I'm sure of
is that I feel it in my bones 
That ache deep inside my skull 
all the way through my feet 
I don't know what keeps me walking 
passing through all the places 
exposing myself to heartache
It's probably the optimism 
that thread of hope that lingers 
even though things seem hopeless 
And maybe this is the end of days
we might as well enjoy it 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


I put myself out there
tip toe neck deep into discussions
I live and breathe to share my experiences 
not because I want attention 
but because I hope it helps
another human being to know 
they are not alone 
Nothing is a perfect circle 
sometimes my words have the opposite effect 
Someone gets defensive 
and they lash out
I'll admit to getting a bit snarky 
and saying things that are questionably funny 
Most often and at my core 
I try to be sincere and honest 
There are days I tell my stories 
where people will question my perception 
as if I'm not a witness 
to my own perception 
I'm wrong in my interpretation 
of life I've lived 
all I can do is say what I know 
and correct myself if presented 
with contradiction and further knowledge 
But you can't fucking tell me
That I'm missing the point 
when I say I've been abused 
when I say I've been hurt 
when I say some things just ache
for no reason you can understand 
It isn't my job to convince you 
of the reality of the situation 
all I can do is tell my version of the truth 

The Season

Depression has a foothold
on the shores of my innermost thoughts
Partial sun trying to cut through the gloom
an allegory of how happy I am
even though I ache with sadness
Everything seems out of focus
a subtle blur of vision
that might not even be real
but it feels real enough
I feel like screaming at the sky
while simultaneously wanting and wishing
I could sink completely into myself
The great mother, she comforts me
loving me even though the season is harsh
Dark winter always giving way
to the eternal warmth of spring
Yet I am tempted so tempted
to give up on myself
to give into that nagging urge
of self destructive behavior
even though I'm already killing myself
just slowly and in not so obvious ways
I love life, don't get me wrong
it is that back and forth
That keeps me walking forward
hoping for another breath another heartbeat
just so I can experience once more