tip toe neck deep into discussions
I live and breathe to share my experiences
not because I want attention
but because I hope it helps
another human being to know
they are not alone
Nothing is a perfect circle
sometimes my words have the opposite effect
Someone gets defensive
and they lash out
I'll admit to getting a bit snarky
and saying things that are questionably funny
Most often and at my core
I try to be sincere and honest
There are days I tell my stories
where people will question my perception
as if I'm not a witness
to my own perception
I'm wrong in my interpretation
of life I've lived
all I can do is say what I know
and correct myself if presented
with contradiction and further knowledge
But you can't fucking tell me
That I'm missing the point
when I say I've been abused
when I say I've been hurt
when I say some things just ache
for no reason you can understand
It isn't my job to convince you
of the reality of the situation
all I can do is tell my version of the truth