Thursday, February 11, 2021


There's an exhaustion on my back
that pain in between my shoulders
a headache blurring my vision
and a dull ache in my heart
The loss of another soul in the news
and someone else a victim of violence 
lives taken away by the street 
I'm painfully aware of things 
I'm not sure if there's a darker cloud 
or if I'm just feeling more reality 
There's also this golden beauty 
an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude 
the outpouring of support 
shining through the shattered glass
I ache through every single fiber of my soul 
it helps to know I'm not alone 
but I cry for every human 
that hurts as bad as I do 
I put my hope in solidarity 
and the good intentions of friendship 
maybe we'll make it through 
one day at a time 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Dreamless Whisper

There was a time where
I had these broken dreams
of the lingering memories of Eden
Personal heaven and boundless joy
feelings of the intimacy between 
the great mother and her imperfect creation 
I can almost grasp the ecstacy 
almost percieve the formless emotions 
becoming the emptiness of being unborn 
and then I'm suddenly awake
aware of the imperceptible darkness 
crushing my chest and grasping 
my brain in an icy vice 
Sleeping becomes a refuge 
even though the veil is transitory 
an illusion conceived as a mechanism of defense 
I'll dream about suicide 
and while in the middle of terror 
my heart pounds mournfully 
sweat on my brow 
while I silently and simultaneously wish
the nightmare was real

Last Rites

One of the first things I remember
is the voice of a gentle man 
a holy man both in word and deed
Even as a newly emergent life
I could feel his connection to God
he was there to guide me
back to the creator energy from where I came
but the universe had other plans
I've stood in that place 
several times since 
even though I could just slip away 
the overpowering whim of self preservation 
takes control and subconsciously 
I fight for every single breath 
while I'll live every moment as if it's my last 
pretending that every meal is the last
every conversation lingering 
meaningful because it could be the last
I fantasize about killing myself 
taking agency over a thing 
that I don't really control 
because deep down I know 
when it ends there won't be preamble 
some grandiose event or even a warning 
I'll just stop
flicker out like a candle 
Maybe I obsess because lately 
it seems like I'm constantly touched 
by some sort of loss
painfully aware of the fragility of it all
Maybe I'm just tired 
of seeing my own death in my dreams 
Maybe it's just noise 


Ninety days ago I made a decision
to quit dulling my senses
to stop with the alcohol 
and open myself up to things 
that I've been avoiding most of my life 
There's definitely a better sense of purpose 
a clarity of emotional energy
not necessarily a better picture 
but at least I see the picture now 
More of a physical feeling 
my entire body vibrating with the sound 
of the throbbing pulse of reality 
People existing and broadcasting 
I'm absorbing it all
and it is a beautiful thing 
to be able to observe and interpret 
so many different layers and nuance 
At the same time 
I'm drowning in this nebula 
too many things are hitting all at once 
I'm processing like a road flare 
and I'm going to burn out
sooner rather than later 
The floodgates remain fully open 
I pour this confusion into things 
items for consumption bit by bit
the audience sees the finale 
but not the entire production 
I don't trust anyone with the process 
but I hope what I put out there is enough 
when the light fades away 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Faded Exhausted

A joint burns lazily
I'm typing something or 
Playing music or
I'm taking a picture or video 
fully engaged with telling some sort of story
I'm always somewhere doing something 
even asleep I am caught in the middle 
Lately things have been more nebulous 
pulling the meaning from the images 
is harder and paradoxically easier 
When I'm awake I feel as if I'm asleep 
sleeping feels like running through wet cement uphill 
Exhaustion on my back and pulling my feet 
I'm drowning in myself
and this obsession to keep up the projection 
It's easy to stay unharmed 
If all I put out there is a hologram 
myself interpreted into being 
Deep inside there's this block of ice
pain I can describe 
but I never really let go
I wonder if I'll ever know new reality 
or if I'll keep up this spinning tale
until I breathe no more 
and people struggle with identification 
speaking for me
even though my entire being
is wrapped up in speaking for myself 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Frosted grass shines brightly
in the icy sunlight of a partly cloudy day 
I combine people watching with 
my mundane errands
Observing the continued lunacy 
of humans bouncing off of each other 
The great Goddess of nature 
abundant with life and beauty 
even in the coldest of times 
Contrasting with too many souls 
caught in a situation 
or most likely, a series of situations
thier tents a multicolored backdrop 
against pillars of concrete 
Some seem almost jovial 
drinking beer and smoking weed
celebrating the fact that it isn't raining 
right now 
Others are clearly suffering 
experiencing the worst times of their lives 
A cacophony of emotional noise 
songs in the confusion 
confusion in the clarity 
the only thing I'm sure of
is that I feel it in my bones 
That ache deep inside my skull 
all the way through my feet 
I don't know what keeps me walking 
passing through all the places 
exposing myself to heartache
It's probably the optimism 
that thread of hope that lingers 
even though things seem hopeless 
And maybe this is the end of days
we might as well enjoy it 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


I put myself out there
tip toe neck deep into discussions
I live and breathe to share my experiences 
not because I want attention 
but because I hope it helps
another human being to know 
they are not alone 
Nothing is a perfect circle 
sometimes my words have the opposite effect 
Someone gets defensive 
and they lash out
I'll admit to getting a bit snarky 
and saying things that are questionably funny 
Most often and at my core 
I try to be sincere and honest 
There are days I tell my stories 
where people will question my perception 
as if I'm not a witness 
to my own perception 
I'm wrong in my interpretation 
of life I've lived 
all I can do is say what I know 
and correct myself if presented 
with contradiction and further knowledge 
But you can't fucking tell me
That I'm missing the point 
when I say I've been abused 
when I say I've been hurt 
when I say some things just ache
for no reason you can understand 
It isn't my job to convince you 
of the reality of the situation 
all I can do is tell my version of the truth 

The Season

Depression has a foothold
on the shores of my innermost thoughts
Partial sun trying to cut through the gloom
an allegory of how happy I am
even though I ache with sadness
Everything seems out of focus
a subtle blur of vision
that might not even be real
but it feels real enough
I feel like screaming at the sky
while simultaneously wanting and wishing
I could sink completely into myself
The great mother, she comforts me
loving me even though the season is harsh
Dark winter always giving way
to the eternal warmth of spring
Yet I am tempted so tempted
to give up on myself
to give into that nagging urge
of self destructive behavior
even though I'm already killing myself
just slowly and in not so obvious ways
I love life, don't get me wrong
it is that back and forth
That keeps me walking forward
hoping for another breath another heartbeat
just so I can experience once more

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Unfortunate News

As with everything lately
I heard about it on social media 
An acquaintance had passed away 
someone I didn't really know 
but he was a friend to many friends 
and I remember him being cool
the few times we met
The outpouring of concern is comforting 
support manifesting in amazing ways
an odd contrast to the vitriol 
flowing through the social veins 
Then in the same fucking breath 
Someone said that a degenerate 
had stolen from a dead man
potentially someone who had been 
supportive from a distance 
I really have no idea 
I'm not really involved at all 
but I ache the same regardless


I wasn't in a bad place
humanity a low din in the back of my mind 
laughing, joking, accepting quietly 
the tragic hilarity that is right now 
I had to get some kind of food
I've been living on trash perpetually 
indulging in the isolation 
avoiding what interaction is somewhat allowed 
As I entered the store
I felt a rush of distant nausea 
my mask weighing more than usual 
suddenly aware of prying eyes
and an abundance of anger and frustration 
I knew exactly what I wanted
but my mind was scrambled 
with the untidy feelings in the room
Everyone was in some sort of hurry 
I ended up with a dull pain 
right between my eyes 
and my heart felt like it was being squeezed
by a hot iron fist
I couldn't get out of there fast enough 
practiced calm belaying no indication 
of the extremes simmering internally 
I went back home and crawled inside 
my unhealthy food and other vices 
Staring at a familiar work of fiction 
glad to be away from it again 
sad that there's no real escape 
wishing I could blip completely out
only for a few moments in time 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Peak Bullshit

It was right around the end of December
an unusually snowy winter 
The tree out front had fallen in a storm
and still laid angrily and awkwardly 
waiting to be attended to
Early in the morning 
I was shaken from a deep sleep 
by a deafening silence 
Panic and disorientation knotted my gut
until I realized that the power 
had been unceremoniously cut off
They warned us by letter
sometime last week but
between the stress of work
and dejected hopelessness of the situation 
the message was mostly ignored 
except for the nagging feeling of doom
that had become daily life
We went about our day
and reconnected that night
The crushing darkness made more profound 
by the creeping feeling of cold
We ended up getting a generator 
a small thing not meant for powering a house 
to run a space heater and an igloo cooler
we managed to convert into a makeshift fridge 
and chargers for our phones 
the only connection to the outside world 
Sometimes the cold was too much 
risking torching our entire existence 
we would light a fire
in a fireplace that wasn't at all up to code 
consisting of paper trash
and damp remnants from the tree out front 
The constant silence was maddening 
and the generator had to rest 
several times a day
I didn't shower for a month 
smelling like burning paper and cold sweat 
I'm sure people noticed 
In the middle of another frozen night 
I ate cold clam chowder from a can
and I remember thinking 
This is what peak bullshit feels like 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Ten Minutes

I'm standing here, waiting
the first angry drops of rain 
demonstrating how much this shelter sucks 
There's a rough looking old man
eating ice cream with a painting knife 
and a teen hitting a vape pen
It's cold
Winter not letting anyone forget 
I feel a million eyes stare 
paranoid as I hide my face 
In a blink the bus is here
another blip seared into my head 


There's something in the air today
a throbbing pain humming loudly
a song I know but don't want to hear
The downtrodden gather 
on rainy street corners, smoking 
yelling at nothing and each other 
There's the discarded remnants 
of a home pregnancy test 
scattered in front of the public toilet 
As I try to eat something 
I get a a schizophrenic ping from the blur 
I knew what he wanted 
somehow in that moment we spoke 
the same awkward language 
He wandered off mumbling to himself 
the remains of the conversation 
ringing inside my soul
I'm anxious now, nervous 
surrounded by the winter street 
People pass by wearing luxury 
turning their heads away 
and I light a joint and pick a direction 
stepping further into the flood

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


I've always been fascinated
by haunted abandoned places 
areas where humanity abandoned roots
leaving walls to melt away with time 
I make it a sport to ignore 
no trespassing sings 
suggestions made in the guise of safety 
In Staunton there were crypts 
monuments to the dead behind creaking gates
and just as many churches dedicated 
to decaying Christian sects 
On campus there was a cathedral of sorts
an impossibly old building not often used
the cross of Christ on display yet 
collecting dust glowering above a Bible 
seldom touched 
I found the place quite by accident 
on one of my many escapist walks
I'd go there to pray to a pagan god 
and ask redemption of Jesus 
One night I went to her and asked
if she wanted to see something cool
she trusted me and I led her 
to the dusty tomb
For some reason it wasn't on any map
She of course was fascinated with the history 
I was overjoyed at sharing my discovery 
After discussing Bible passages 
her an atheist rooted in scientific methods 
myself a pagan raised by Christians
we kissed deeply in the pale light 
beaming through stained glass
the glower of the cross an aphrodisiac of sorts
I don't remember what happened next
the moment overwhelming time
I remember that kiss
I remember feeling like her spirit 
intertwined with mine
I remember perfection manifest again 
wishing I could pause reality again 
and something in the back of my mind 
told me that this was way too beautiful 
for me to ever hope to keep

Monday, January 25, 2021

Trauma Bond

I had never lived with anyone
except my parents and brothers 
I had no idea what to expect 
and knew less about what I was doing 
After a somewhat emotional weekend 
of buying things I couldn't take with me
I was unceremoniously placed
in a third floor room paired with
someone I had never met
She was tall, intimidating 
raven black hair and a fererce spirit 
When it came to integration 
we both were outcasts 
Pagans in an overtly Christian bubble 
We bonded through the occult knowledge 
of being old souls 
She had this boyfriend 
I didn't like the guy even though 
he was a man of standing 
They would have loud sex
while I pretended to sleep 
Sometimes I wake up from a deep sleep 
hearing them moaning and growling 
It made me feel sick
I said nothing because I didn't want
to be a prude and have them dislike me
One time he had me drive his Bronco
up and down the unfamiliar highways 
while they loudly fucked in the back
They paid me quite a bit of money 
I still felt a little bit slimy over the whole thing 
One day she said she couldn't take it
In a drunken rage she took an army scalpel 
sunk it into her wrist, deep
Blood was everywhere 
I froze in horror 
I had never seen something so drastic 
And then I swear on all things holy 
I watched the wound close in seconds
only a small amount of blood remained 
She screamed at me
"see what I fucking have to deal with?" 
She ran out of the room 
and I never saw her again
Her belongings scattered all over the room 
preserved for months until they figured out 
She wasn't coming back
I stayed in that room alone 
until I was assigned somewhere else
The vague suggestion of suicide 
haunting the space eternally 

A Date

It was somewhere near Valantine's day
I bought tickets to a performance
of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Nothing terribly extravagant 
There were no costumes and the stage 
was a box shaped outline
taped to a gymnasium floor
several rows of folded chairs arranged 
haphazardly around the room 
I held her hand as I tried to pretend 
to pay attention to the story 
although I was staring at her 
more than at the actors 
Beforehand, we had gone to dinner 
and I had ordered her my favorite thing 
she seemed to enjoy it
I had trouble focusing on food 
her radiant warmth capturing my attention 
The play went by in a blur 
suddenly we were walking 
in the frozen moonlight hand in hand
She was taken by the stars 
the way the dew on the grass shimmered 
the lights of sleeping buildings 
glowing in the dark
I was taken by her
the essence and beauty of her
glowing in this otherworldly way
We stopped as she pointed out 
a random cluster of stars
I turned and looked into her eyes 
and eventually she stared into me 
Time seemed to stop and in that moment 
I was close to perfection 
I could die right then and there
and be absolutely happy 
Timidly, I kissed her lips
At first she pulled away and was afraid 
I had misread the entire situation 
But then she gently, ever so slightly 
leaned into my body 
I didn't take it any further 
I couldn't take it any further 
I may have said that I loved her
or maybe I was just thinking it loudly 
I walked her back to her dorm
silent except for my pounding heart 
She kissed my cheek and bounced inside 
I don't know how long I stood outside 
consumed by a burning wish 
that I could just hold her again 
It might have been hours
it probably was mere minutes 
All too quickly I was in my room 
that chick I lived with snoring 
loudly in the corner
The angry glow of a computer 
bathing a single tear in bright white 

Sunday, January 24, 2021


Today I felt fucking angry
a deep, pulsing irritation aimed 
at everything and everyone 
The situation is getting old
but then something stuck between mindless scrolling 
reminded me of a party
A simple gathering one bright May day
Thinking about it makes me feel
warmth on my skin and joy in my heart 
cutting through seasonal gloom
My friends were there 
coming together from all corners 
One friend was visiting from England 
out of all the parties and social bullshit 
he decided to visit me 
He wished me a happy birthday 
and gave me the sincerest hug
I remember the moment in beautiful detail 
the fragrance of his humanity 
birds singing over the music 
everything coalescing into perfection 
He smoked with me and we talked
I love the sound of his voice 
The memory cuts through the gloom 
shining a light into the cavern 
that has become routine 
and I can't stop myself from smiling 
These are the moments 
the profound epiphany of happiness 
exemplary examples of radiant joy
Transitory though they are 
they make the sadness ache a little less 
the anger burn a little less
the burden of sensory perception a little lighter 
Even though I ache in this moment 
I feel like it is all been worth it 


People often interact with me
in times of emotional intensity 
it doesn't really matter the direction 
good or bad or positive or negative 
it all stings just the same
I wonder if there is a baseline 
or if there is something about me
that makes it so I'm trusted 
with so much vulnerability
I have to say I'm honored but
at the same time I'm deeply sad
because it seems like I'm drowning in extremes 
and it seems like intensity is all I have 
bonding through trauma of triumph 
and the triumph of trauma 
The river of friendship running ice cold
when the mundane settles in

Soul Need

Deep in the pit of my stomach
there is an ache I feel in my spirit
Waking hours filled with darkness 
this nebulous sadness 
I've been ignoring it at least externally 
Avoiding discussions or acknowledgement 
pushing it aside because 
there is an abundance of connections 
My life blessed with companionship 
so many people feel love 
when they think of me
In my dreams intermixed 
between images of fear and despair 
there are brief moments of bliss
Sometimes there are sexual encounters 
Often it is just the experience 
of being held, of physical contact 
of pure love manifest 
The person changes 
my mind conjuring the people I am closest to 
and I sob into their chest 
mumbling through everything that hurts
Somehow I know it isn't real
but my longing makes it feel real enough 
and then I'm in bed again 
with this empty ache inside my chest
I have this need I can't articulate 
this need that makes no sense
this need that is breaking me down 
more than anything these fucking times
have spit in my spiritual eye
I don't know how to live this way 
missing a thing I didn't know I wanted 

Friday, January 22, 2021


I've been running as long as I can remember
the landscape hitting my face 
tearing my clothes 
a thousand cuts bleeding 
The sounds of bullets nearly connecting 
faceless ghouls with guns
The smell is absolutely everywhere 
a sickening combination 
blood, gunpowder, burning flesh 
I can almost feel it in my mouth 
No matter how fast I run
how far 
there is no escape 
Vision fading into black
senses blurring into a terrible nothing 


The flight home was exhausting
multiple stops through unfamiliar places 
There was only one thing on my mind 
two if you counted the sense of relief 
of leaving what had become a personal hell 
if only for a few precious days 
I was greeted by my parents 
proud of my accomplishments 
oblivious to my agony although 
I wouldn't have told them had they asked
I settled in to my old room
preserved like a shrine 
It made my mother feel better and
I think she knew I needed the comfort of familiarity 
Late into the night while the normal slept 
I silently walked outside and carefully 
rolled my car out of the driveway 
I'm not sure if the parents didn't notice 
or didn't care
I was an adult after all on holiday 
from some sort of forced life
Traveling through my hometown 
memories consumed as I felt myself cry
This whole scenario felt insane 
did she even want to see me
Our last conversation didn't go well 
I didn't know where we stood 
But I hadn't seen her in months and something in my primal mind needed her
I parked a couple of blocks away 
Suspicious yes but not to her
or her parents who would be irate 
if they knew I was creeping around 
She was outside smoking a cigarette 
beautiful as ever 
noticing me approach but betraying no emotion 
until her lips met mine 
Hands all over each other we climbed into her window 
Silently giving in to every physical sensation 
She drug me to her bed 
in the darkness I felt my clothes fall away 
losing myself in pure untamed sexual release 
It felt like nanoseconds and hours simultaneously 
we became one soul through pleasure 
When it was over she said
"you should go before my parents wake up" 
The only thing she said the entire time 
I wordlessly got dressed 
the darkness and chill of the night
wrapping me in a dull sadness 
I don't remember driving home
just ending up in my old room 
surrounded by familiarity 
wondering what it was I was really chasing 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Under

It alternates between the absence of everything
and the blinding bleed of nothingness 
Images of war and hell on earth 
concrete cages and barking orders 
Images that follow waking moments 
a shadow of hyper vigilance 
Every word in my direction a needle 
working into my thoughts 
My breath is quicker
pulse jumping into my throat 
It is all so irrational 
hidden behind closed eyes
I can't explain to everyone 
so I hide it behind training 
behind this armor of practical confidence
Irony is my dreams come from real life 
but they're out of touch 
manifestations of reactions 
ways my mind protects itself 
Imagination leaking into everything 
like psychological glitter 
there's no way of getting rid of it all 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Inexplicable cold taking hold
my inner core frozen beyond measure 
I've been numbing more than usual 
reality slapping my face a bit harder than I'm used to 
Grip on the situation slipping away
grain by agonizing grain through my mind 
I'm afraid of losing what little understanding I've got
while at the same time, wishing I could escape for just a little bit 
Haunted by a dark, dreamless sleep 
waking up to exhausted panic 
I'll pour myself into something and I'll put on a front 
shoving all anxiety into a gorgeous box
Am I paranoid or just stoned 
I'll take a walk and focus thought 
It's nice to be alone and yet I'm so fucking lonely 
Connection to the consciousness becoming an ancient myth 
Who was I even a year ago 
Cross of changes is a burden shared by everyone but we also walk in single file
None of us can really comprehend 
My shoes they are too tight 
and we all have forgotten how to dance 

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Light shining into my eyes
cruel warmth felt through the body
odor of singe assaulting every pore 
I feel metal on my back 
cold that makes my shoulders ache
contrast ripping at my soul
It feels like my skin is starting to boil 
bubbling and melting to the surface 
I can see my cohesion start to fail
body starting to drip and hit the floor 
I'm aware of dying 
screaming in my head but there's not enough of me left
There isn't any rescue from this 
Knowledge of isn't any help at all
as I feel my eyes vapor away into nothing 
senses fading into blissful black
I become aware that I am somewhere else 
None of this is real 

Friday, January 8, 2021


I've been told I am attractive
Not on just a surface level 
although I've been called cute 
I'm not sure what to do with this
I don't see myself as others do
it is a limitation of perception 
I'm not sure why I don't believe 
something pulls me into insincerity 
I don't mean to call anyone a liar 
I'm held hostage by post traumatic stress 
Terrible things uttered in my direction 
I didn't get that shit either 
I exist with such exhausting kindness 
never understanding hostility 
This crippling innocence around 
positive things I'm blind to 
Feeling like a total failure while at the same time 
thinking I'm pretty damned OK
In my head I know these things aren't mutually exclusive 
but I can't reconcile my heart 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


It feels like the end of the world out here
things taste strange 
There's a weight on my soul you'd think 
I would be used to this by now
You've seen me at vulnerable 
my pain obvious but only because 
you're good at observation 
It's a quality I admire and admit
to being a bit envious 
I'm pushing through like I always do 
sometimes I step backwards 
There's not always forward progress 
I put up this steady upward climb 
Pressured to keep moving 
by every person I've ever talked to 
at least by people I've let in
There isn't that expectation any more 
You validate where I'm at right now
even if it isn't perfect 
when things are getting extra complicated 
times when I really can't keep climbing 
I just have to sit the fuck down 
For a small stretch of time I can just be
it is a beautiful thing
for this I am so grateful 
any thanks feels inadequate 
so I humbly state my appreciation

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Wandering Eternity

I'm having a crisis of identity
Nothing so concrete as wondering 
the who I am of me is quite intact 
The problem lies in interaction 
navigating the floodwaters of maintaining 
an outward appearance 
Transparency through creativity 
I'm an open book through self expression 
though it only is surface level 
The loudest thoughts dominate the translation 
escape only possible through release 
Isolation beginning to pace
back and forth back and forth 
wearing a trench in my mind 
I find myself gravitating towards attention 
adoration and praise so beautiful 
yet so painfully sad
I really don't want accolades 
I appreciate the adoration 
reaching people is a powerful feeling 
The output is out of my hands
I pull from the pool random discordant bits
and there's no guarantee that it will make sense 
wrapping myself in some sort of bandage 
that might only be for show 
I exist in a bright bubble of loneliness 
knowing many but in a shallow dish 
just out of arm's reach