Friday, December 18, 2020


For the past few days
I've had an odd pain in my stomach
Food isn't the pleasure it used to be
It comes and goes
A problem I've had since childhood
Nothing related to the current affliction
It rides along as a passenger
To anxiety ill defined
There's not the usual symptomology
I can hide it pretty well
There's that odd pain in my stomach
And the ever present notion
That I'm being watched
Judged, talked about
Behind closed doors they whisper
I walk a bit faster
Even though it makes my limp worse
I'm running inside my own head
Circle of death into spirals
Sometimes I wonder how much of this is external
Things that seem to magnify
Into a white hot burning light
Right behind my eyeballs
There's that eye twitch, that stutter
Cracks that always seem to show
Maybe I'm the only one that notices
We are all stumbling around
With shoes untied